The best people to text: my sisters

My sisters are hilarious, and we like 30 Rock... a lot.  Here are some of my favorite actual LOL moments, as opposed to many times when I open a text from someone and kinda exhale a little faster than normal.

Other quotes below include my favorite Will Ferrell/Jeff Goldblum conversation on SNL, A Few Good Men, Apollo 13, and The Princess Bride. 


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the best people to text: sister #1 edition

Second in my series of posting texts to and from the funniest people I know.  Also, we talk about vomit A LOT.

Sister Caryn is a classic example of brains that think alike... until they don't. Then we are left staring at each other wondering, "Where did you COME FROM?"

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the best people to text: husband edition

Today begins a series of posting texts to and from the funniest people I know.  

Husband Matt Waller is the funniest person I know, of course, so husband edition comes first.  Enjoy, friends!

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scary things from my childhood

Last night, I slept terribly.  For some reason, I repeatedly dreamed of spiders.  Large, hairy, breathing spiders. (Yes, they were large enough and close enough in my nightmares that I could see them breathing. Side note: Do spiders breathe?  

My son asked me to read a bug book before bed, and although I enforced my standard policy of not reading the spider pages, we still "had to" flip by the huge image of the tarantula before he found the beetle page he wanted to read.  And that's all it took.  So I got to wake up over and over having mini panic attacks, brushing away enormous imaginary spiders.

I don't know why I have a spider phobia, but indeed I do.  What others things do I inexplicably hate?

  • Candy corn - Because my mom used this as a treat when I was being potty trained, they are to me eternally associated with poo.  Also, they taste completely and utterly horrible.  I'm frankly surprised I'm potty trained today with that as the reward.
  • Creepy dolls - I know I am not alone in this, but please note that the image above wasn't from a random internet search. This doll (handmade with absolute love, though it was) is really pretty creepy.  Sorry, Mom, BUT WHAT IS UNDER HER EYES!  
  • Vampires - I can specifically trace this fear to a single image in my elementary music textbook from Lancaster Christian which included a picture from an old Dracula movie talking about tone in music or something.  Here's the exact picture that scared me silly (as in I opened the book with just my fingertips because I wanted to touch as little of it as possible), courtesy of a quick Googling:


Some friends of mine recently expressed their shock that I've never seen "The Neverending Story," so we watched a little of that last night.  Add that to my list!  [hides behind blanket] Everything in that movie was horrific.  That dragon's nose and scales/fur combo...?  Ugh, maybe I'm glad for the spiders. 


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dear celebrities, we do not care what you think

Dear Celebrities,

We do not care what you think.



It's true. Keep you opinions to yourself.  And it isn't just because many of you are crazy liberals with whom I personally disagree.  It's because your opinions are held by someone completely out-of-touch.  You're pointing the finger at one guy, the guy who's obviously too rich to know me, the common person. But you're doing it while wearing an eight-carat diamond ring and with a $750 haircut.

So... No. 

Please stop writing your op-eds. Please stop with your nonsense tweets that are inciting violence and hatred.  Please stop your temper tantrums.  You do not, and will not, make a difference.  Your opinion is irrelevant.  You think because someone has put a microphone in your face (or your personal assistant set up the much-followed Twitter account on your new $2,000 phone) that we care, but you're wrong.

Make your movies. Sing your songs. Take your pictures. Go on your late-night appearances.  But do it quietly. By the simple fact that we know your name and have never met you, you are too famous to have a clue.  You live in a bubble. You complain about paparazzi stalkers and someone hacking the sexy selfies you took when you were drunk on a Tuesday morning at the beach. These are not the problems of real people.

We don't care what you think. We have voices we want to hear, and they are each other's. I want to hear from my actual peers: any color, any race, any religion, but people living a real life.  People like me don't drive a brand new Mercedes. People like me don't get asked for their autograph at Starbucks.  People like me don't pose for magazine covers. 

The people around each of us are the people whose opinions matter.  The election was determined by those of us who are tired of you and your manipulative death-grip on our society.  

Ironically, I did include a super-hysterical Piers Morgan thought above, because this is all we need from you: humor.  

Dear Celebrities,

You are here to entertain us and that is all.



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i have a problem with chapters

Confessional time: I have a problem with chapters. Another writing friend of mine and I were talking today, and I confessed my hoarding: I collect chapters.  The Senator's Youngest Daughter may have ended up just shy of 70, but the next book I'm working on isn't wrapped yet and I just typed "Chapter 105." YIKES, Kelley. Self-control.

I seem to be unable to switch scenes, topics, or locations without starting a new chapter. I also like to start a new chapter after a startling moment. Not that I want commercials in my book, but I like that shock value on TV shows.

"Well, the thing is, Mr. Bauer, you're pregnant." 

[screen goes black and a Toyota ad starts screaming]

WHAT? So I guess that moment where my reader has to turn the page (or flick their finger to the left) is my equivalent of a Toyota commercial. It's the extra millisecond of anticipation... leaving them on edge.

I need to combine some of my chapters... thin the herd. It's too late for The Senator's Youngest Daughter, of course. But the next book still has hope for a reasonable number of chapters and a table of contents that isn't six pages long on the Kindle.  Finger cramp!


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